2012: neue Leitung des NCCJ

38th General Assembly Started

NCC's new general assembly has started with new executive members.

On March 26th, 27th, the general meeting was held at St. Andrews Tokyo Church (Episcopal Church of Japan, Minato-ku, Tokyo). In this meeting, all the executive members have been replaced.

The new members are as follows.

Kouichi KOBASHI (Member of Executive Council of the United Church of Christ in Japan, Pastor of Niijima Church),

KANO Yoshitaka (Pastor of Kurigasawa Japan Baptist Church), Makoto Watabe (Japan Bible Society),

Secretary of General Assembly:
Wataru ARIZUMI (National Councils of YMCAs of Japan), Hiroko Hiraoka ,

General Secretary:
Shoko AMINAKA (Pastor of the United Church of Christ in Japan)

The theme of the 38th General Assembly is "Keep on walking together, following Jesus Christ" (Mark1:17).
Our policy for this term is to keep on developing the current activity, based on the words of the scripture.
1) We will strengthen the tie with World Church Council and Christian Council of Asia, through the World's Ecumenical movement.
2) Internally, we will promote the agreement and cooperation among churches and pursue the activitiies we have been doing.

As concrete examples, Peace and The Article 9 of the Constitution, Human Right, Freedom of Faith, the World without Nuclear, Disaster relief of the Great Earthquake.

2012assembly exec_400Although NCC, now in the process of structural reorganization, is facing many issues in terms of activity contents, finance, personnel, we are going to give our best to spread the Lord's words, practice the tasks he ordered, handling the issues with God's guidance and cooperation of our supporters.

New executive members of the 38th general assembly





小橋孝一NCC議長よりご挨拶,  2012-04-13

 ご 挨 拶















          日本キリスト教協議会議長  小橋孝一


nccj logo 50x50nccj fblink 170x96 nccj minoritylink 170x96

 Verfassung Artikel 9 Konferenz

28. Nov. - 2. Dez. 2007 fand in Tokyo eine "Inter-religious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution" statt. Programm, Vorträge, Abschlusserklärung

Verfassung §9

§9 der japanischen Verfassung garantiert, dass Japan nie wieder Krieg führen wird. Hier der Generalsekretär T. Yamamoto zum Problem

Artikel 9 der Japanischen Verfassung (offizielle Übersetzung):
Article 9.
Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

Texte als pdf-Datei

Gemeinsame Erklärung: jap.-nordamerik. Forum für Mission in Japan
29. März 2007
Wortlaut, als pdf-Datei

YAMAMOTO Toshimasa:
Social and Political Involvement of the Churches. als pdf-Datei


Wichtige Dokumente zu "Brennpunkte in Kirche und Theologie Japans" sind im gleichnamigen Buch zu finden:
- Tennoismus
- Diskriminierung (Buraku)
- Krieg und Frieden
- Yasukuni-Schrein
(hg. von TERAZONO Yoshiki & Heyo E. Hamer, Neukirchener Verlag 1988
ISBN 3-7887-1224-4)


Der NCCJ vermittelt durch seine Deutschland-Kommission Studenten der Theologie in das Stipendienprogramm des ÖRK bzw. des Diako-nischen Werkes der EKD in Stuttgart.
Zur Finanzierung trägt auch die DOAM durch das Evang. Missionswerk in Südwestdeutschland bei.



YAMAMOTO Toshimasa


YAMAMOTO Toshimasa:
Social and Political Involvement of the Churches. als pdf-Datei



Wichtige Dokumente zu "Brennpunkte in Kirche und Theologie Japans" sind im gleichnamigen Buch zu finden:
- Tennoismus
- Diskriminierung (Buraku)
- Krieg und Frieden
- Yasukuni-Schrein
(hg. von TERAZONO Yoshiki & Heyo E. Hamer, Neukirchener Verlag 1988
ISBN 3-7887-1224-4)


Artikel 9 der Japanischen Verfassung

"Article 9.


Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.


(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized."
(offizielle Übersetzung)



Homepage des NCCCenter-Center for the Study of Jap. Religions ISJP



YAMAMOTO Toshimasa:
Social and Political Involvement of the Churches. als pdf-Datei



Wichtige Dokumente zu "Brennpunkte in Kirche und Theologie Japans" sind im gleichnamigen Buch zu finden:
- Tennoismus
- Diskriminierung (Buraku)
- Krieg und Frieden
- Yasukuni-Schrein
(hg. von TERAZONO Yoshiki & Heyo E. Hamer, Neukirchener Verlag 1988
ISBN 3-7887-1224-4)


Artikel 9 der Japanischen Verfassung

"Article 9.


Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.


(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized."
(offizielle Übersetzung)