2014: Friedensnobelpreis für Artikel 9

Japanische Verfassung von 1947

Executive Committee for “The Nobel Peace Prize for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution”

The Norwegian Nobel Committee
Dear Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland Chair of the Nobel Committee

To spread a pacifist constitution in all the countries of the world, please award the Nobel Peace Prize to the Japanese citizens who have maintained the Constitution of Japan, Article 9 in particular.

Executive Committee for “The Nobel Peace Prize for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution”

We have organized an executive committee for “Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution for Nobel Peace Prize” and started a petition drive as an effort to share, protect, utilize, and promote its virtue, to The Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Since the Nobel Peace Prize is intended to be awarded to an organization or person, the Constitution is not eligible.
Thus, we think it is possible that Japanese citizens as an organization, who have continued maintaining the pacifist constitution stipulating thorough renunciation of war, would be awarded it, similarly.

The Japanese citizens may not have reached the stage to actively utilize their constitution. We, however, maintained the constitution which actively renounces war and force for nearly 70 years, throughout the pressure of the entire world to realize things with a weapon, to desire for the happiness and peace for people in the world due to the remorse of the war. We might say that their contribution to the world peace and stability may have been immeasurably large.

Needless to say that not every Japanese citizen supports the current constitution.

We, however, haven’t revised the constitution at this moment. This is due to the fact that many people in Japan talked about the sorrow and the folly of the war with a remorse and desire for peace after the war, and this desire for peace has been inherited and still deeply exists among them.

We also believe that it is meaningful to share a value “It is laudable to desire for world peace and not to engage in wars, and we protect and share this belief!” toward winning the prize.

At this moment of crisis of the constitutional revision, we hope you understand and help us with our effort to protect, utilize, and promote our pacifist constitution for the world peace.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Executive Committee for “The Nobel Peace Prize for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution”
Yoshiaki Ishigaki, Naomi Takasu, Yasuyo Takeuchi, and Tsuneo Hoshino
Executive Committee Members:
Masayuki Ochiai, Eriko Okada, Kazuo Fukushima, Masaru Takahashi, and Saori Fukatsu


The Japanese Constitution is a pacifist constitution that stipulates renunciation of war in its preamble and notably Article 9. Article 9 in particular has been playing an important role since the end of WWII in preventing the Japanese government from waging war. Article 9 has become the hope of those who aspire for peace in Japan and the world. However, the Japanese Constitution is currently under the threat of being revised.

To spread a peace constitution in all the countries of the world, we request that the Nobel Peace Prize be given to the Japanese citizens who have continued maintaining this pacifist constitution, Article 9 in particular, up until present.


The Norwegian Nobel Committee :Dear Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland Chair of the Nobel Committee The Japanese Constitution is a pacifist constitution that stipulates renunciation of war in its preamble and notably Article 9. Article 9 in particular has been playing an important role since the end of WWII in preventing the Japanese government from waging war. Article 9 has become the hope of those who aspire for peace in Japan and the world. However, the Japanese Constitution is currently...


Ein Kommentar:
Ann Wright, HONOLULU, HI
As retired US Army Colonel and a former US diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq, I applaud the Japanese people in Keeping their "no war" constitution as it has kept the government from joining US wars of aggression over the past 65 years! During that time, Japanese have not killed anyone in Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan--nor that young Japanese been killed in those countries, in notable contrast to the United States! I wish the United States had an Article 9'in it's Constitution!!!