Ein Shinto-Schrein, die Verfassung und der Friede

Eine Chronologie

Der Yasukuni-Schrein wurde kurz nach der Meiji-Restauration gegründet. In ihm wurden "die für das Land Gefallenen als Helden eingeschreint." "Nach dem Krieg wurde der Schrein aus der Förderung durch den Staat herausgelöst und ist heute als ein religiöser Verein tätig." Dann "wurden 1978 die vom Kriegsverbrechertribunal in Tokyo verurteilten Kriegsverbrecher der A-Klasse ebenfalls eingeschreint." (Kyodan 2006)

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1868 June 29
Tokyo Shokonsha founded at Kudan in Tokyo by order of Emperor Meiji for enshrining those who died in battle for the "imperial cause"
1879 June 4
Renamed Yasukuni Shrine (YS) and designated a "Gouvernmental Shrine with Special Status" (Bekkaku Kampeisha)
1887 March 17
The Yasukuni Shrine became only shrine under Jurisdiction of Army and Navy
1889 February 11
Meiji Constitution promulgated; article 28 guarantees religious freedom "within limits not prejudicial tp peace and order, and not antagonistic to [the people's] duties as subjects"

March 28
Religious Organizations Law enacted (Shinto shrines excluded due to "special status")
1930 January
Japan National Christian Council issues declaration against forced participation in Shinto activities and shrine visits
1939 March 18
All regional shokonsha renamed "gokoku Jinja" (shrine to protest the country)
1941 June 24
Nippon Kirisuto Kyodan founded; recognized by government on
November 24, 1941

October 14
Occupation GHQ issues directive to "abolish all controls on political, social and relgious freedoms"

 December 15
Occupation GHQ's "Shinto directive" orders end to all government preservation, support certification, supervision, and promotion of "State Shinto" and "Shrine Shinto"

August 15
Emperor announces war's end
1947 May 3
The new Constitution becomes effective; Article 20 guarantees religious freedom, separation of religion and state; Article 89 prohibits government financial support of religious organizations
1951 April 3
Religious Organizations Law enacted, enforced
1952 August 1
Yasukuni Shrine becomes "religious juridical person", i.e. public but nongovernmental religious organization

November 8
Conference of Families of the War Dead calls for government financial support of Yasukuni Shrine
1959 March 28
National war dead monument erected at Chidorigafuchi in Tokyo
1960 May 17
Japan Christian Rengokai (including Roman Catholic, Pprotestant & Orthodox) cautions all Diet members against nationalization of Yasukuni Shrine
1963 August 15
Government sponsors memorial ceremony for war dead
1966 June 25
Diet passes bill to make February 11 "National Foundation Day"
1969 August 27
Christian families of war dead demand that Yasukuni Shrine delete Christian names from list of enshrined war dead. Yasukuni Shrine rejects this demand
June 30
First Yasukuni Shrine nationalization bill submitted to Diet
1973 Christian Wife (Mrs. NAKAYA Yasuko) appeals to Yamaguchi Disrict Court for cancellation of Self-Defense Forces enshrinement of her deceased husband; she wins appeal in Yamaguchi Disrict Court in 1979.03.22, and Hiroshima High Court on 1982.06.01
1974 June 3
Diet rejects Yasukuni Shrine nationalization bill for the fifth time
1975 February 22
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) abandons efforts for passage of the Yasukuni Shrine bill
1976 June 22
Supporters of Yasukuni Shrine nationalization form "Society to Respond to Hero Spiirits" (Eirei ni Kotaeru Kai)
1978 December 18
Mie Prefectural Assembly becomes first to pass resolution favouring "official visits to Yasukuni Shrine"
February 11
Prime Minister's Office (PMO) supports rightist group's "Ceremony to Celebrate National Foundation Day"
1979 December 18
Mie Prefectural Assembly becomes first to pass resolution favouring "official visits to Yasukuni Shrine"
June 6
"Imperial era" (Gengo) bill passed by Diet
1982 June 28
Appeals made to Iwate and Ehime disctirct courts against use of government funds to "offering to gods"
1983 February 11
Ministry of Home Affairs joins PMK and Ministry of Education in support of rightist "Ceremony to Celebrate National Foundation Day"


Der Yasukuni-Schrein (2007)



Yasukuni-Schrein: alle Beiträge