2019: Bikini Atoll Is Not A Beer

Quelle: The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 17 | Issue 17 | Number 4 | Sep 01, 2019
Mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von Japan Focus.

Bikini Atoll Is Not A Beer: Pacific Islanders Speak Out
Laray Polk

Pacific Islanders are speaking out after a Texas-based company, the Manhattan Project Beer Co, named one of its handcrafted beers, Bikini Atoll. Based on news coverage and responses on social media, people around the world are listening. An online petition (https://www.change.org/p/jeff-bezos-stop-the-s ale-of-manhattan-project-bikini-atoll-beer-atwhole-foods) asks CEO Jeff Bezos and other distributors to stop selling Bikini Atoll. It currently has 6,000 signatures. On Aug. 15, the Marshall Islands National Nuclear Commission (NNC) released an official statement (http://inkstickmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2 019/08/Manhattan-Project-Beer-Companys-Release-of-_Bikini-Atoll-Beer_.-.pdf) calling on the Manhattan Project “to engage in dialogue with the people of Bikini to hear directly from community members about their reactions to their product.”

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