Elsbeth Strohm: Nozomi workshop

4th February, 2012

strohm muramatsu01_300Hagino-chaya 2-11-15, Nishinari-ku,
〒557-0004, Osaka-city, Japan

Social-welfare corporation Kamagasaki Strohm-no-Ie

Within a few months after I had started my work in Kibo-no-Ie in 1986, I found out that JELC knew nothing about Kamagasaki, and had no strategy to the work of Kibo-no-Ie.

All what I could rely on at that time are the motto of Frau Strohm which I found in her book, saying "social-work should be done to fulfill the necessities and the requests of the needy persons", and the experience of Herr Walther as a social-therapist.

(1) Nozomi workshop:
Following Frau Strohm's motto, the first project I had taken up is to secure the place where the patients could work after they finish "the self-reliance program".

In October 1997, we started the trial opening of Nozomi-workshop which was authorized by Osaka-city government with the annual support of 13.000.000 yen in May 1999.

I was told by both Frau Strohm and Herr Walther that the national government was responsible for homeless-problem. In the conditions of taking care of the alcoholics, I could realize this advice finally.

Nozomi workshop was reorganized by the new law for the handicapped in 2010.

(2) Job-training center Strohm:
Collaborating with the support-groups for the intellectual handicapped, we joined the job-training program for the handicapped in 2000 when this system just had started, the clean-up of the official building floors.

By the change of the law for the handicapped in 2006, we developed the work-supply idea of Nozomi-workshop and the job-training idea, we opened the job-training center "Strohm" in 2007 and started to accept not only the alcoholics but also the intellectual handicapped.

Using this center, 3 members got the part-time or full-time work already, and the one who got the full-time work could stop the social-support, is fully self-reliant.

(3) Group-home/care home Joy:
In 2000, the district health office asked Kibo-no-Ie and Nozomi-workshop to set up group-home for the mental-handicapped under the municipal long-term plan.

Kibo-no-Ie denied this proposal because of the 2 points (some Kyoyukai members thought in the same way);

① They thought that the alcoholics would drink together easily when they live together, thus group-home idea for the alcoholics was impossible.

② They didn't trust the government, so they thought the cooperating project with the government was valueless. And they were afraid that they couldn't say anything critical to the government, once they received some official support.

They must had forgotten that Frau Strohm already practiced something like the group-home in the old building of Kibo-no-Ie in late 70's.

We started group-home in 2001, and by the law-change, we reorganized the group-home into the group-home/care-home where the elderly handicapped and the heavy handicapped would be treated.

(4) Daily-life training center Walther:
In the beginning of our work, we tried to work with Kibo-no-Ie, but we found it difficult because of some points mentioned upward.

So we decided to set up the section in 2009 to accept the homeless (alcoholics and other handicapped) to train them to keep sober and to have good daily life.

We still have some other projects to be done to support the single-homeless person to fulfill their need and wish. I am thankful to our young co-workers who are willingly to succeed our work in Kamagasaki. I never meet such willing social-workers in JELC.

*"Self-reliance program"(1 term 6 months) as a rehabilitation treatment for the homeless-alcoholics by their requests in 1988. We had tried to reform the Braunschweig-model to the Kamagasaki-version with the practice by Frau Strohm and the advice of Herr Walther.

At the beginning, for one alcoholic we only had 100.000 yen as a budget, but within a couple of years, it increased to nearly 4.000.000 yen annually: 1/3 returning from the patients (we afforded them daily money for meals & Doya-hotel fee, etc. for 6 months. After the program, we assisted them to get social-welfare support), 1/3 supported by Kyoyukai, and 1/3 from Kibo-no-Ie.

Yours in Christ,
Muramatsu Yukio

社会福祉法人 釜ヶ崎ストロームの家










(3)グループホーム/ケアホーム ジョイ:










Yours in Christ,
Muramatsu Yukio


pa jelc logo1Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church

Kleine Statistik
Gemeinden: 138
Pastoren: 142
Getaufte Mitglieder: 21.794
Kommunizierende Mitglieder: 7.242
Fachhochschulen: 2
Gymnasien: 2
Kindergärten: 35
Kindertagesstätten: 19
Missionare: 40
Die Kirche organisiert sich in 5 Kirchenbezirken
(diese Zahlen stammen aus dem Jahre 1999)


JELC Church Council
President: Rev. Masatoshi Yamanouchi
Vice-president: Rev. Sumiyuki Watanabe
General Secretary: Rev. Shunnichiro Matsuoka
Treasurer: Mr. Hiroyuki Nakagawa
District Presidents: 5 members
District Lay Representatives: 5 members
Male and Female Delegate: 2 members

Office Staff
Executive Director: Rev. Shunnichiro Matsuoka
Financial Director: Mr. Kakusaburo Nakayama
Mission Director / Communications Director: Rev. Hirotaka Tokuhiro
Overseas Communications: Rev. David Person

21. Synode
Die Synode der JELC tagte vom 4.-6.5.2004. Wichtigster Beratungspunkt: "Power Mission 21"

Missionarin Elsbeth Strohm
Mit 30 Jahren nach Japan ausgesandt, 10 Jahre auf der Suche nach einer sinnvollen Arbeit in jener Zeit, begegnet den Obdachlosen, Alkoholikern, Prostituierten und mitten drin kleinen Kindern im Stadtteil Kamagasaki in Osaka und weiß, hier hat mich Gott hingestellt.
es0120 Jahre Aufbauarbeit - zusammen mit einem ökum. Arbeitskreis in Kamagasaki.
1983 zurück nach Deutschland, in die Ev. Landeskirche in Braunschweig.
Heute im Ruhestand in Kitzingen bei Würzburg.
Siehe auch ihren 90. Geburtstag.


Die ersten lutherischen Missionare aus den USA treffen in Yokohama ein.

Erster Lutherischer Gottesdienst am Ostersonnatg in Saga (Kyushu)

Gründung der Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church in Saga.
Missionare der American Danish Lutheran Church kommen nach Japan.

Missionare aus Finnland erreichen Japan.
Die Lutherische Kirche in Saga wird erbaut (später an anderer Stelle neu errichtet)

Anfang des Theologischen Seminars in Kumamoto für dei Ausbildung japanischer Pfarrer

Die Lutherische Kirche breitet sich aus: Kirchen werden in Tokyo, Kobe und Osaka gegründet.
In Kumamoto werden Einrichtung für Bildung und Sozialarbeit errichtet, in Tokyo für Sozialarbeit.

Das Lutherische Theologische Seminar wird nach Nakano, Tokyo verlegt.

Die Finnische Mission gliedert sich in die JELC ein.

Die jap. Regierung zwingt alle chriistlichen Kirchen in eine Organisation: die Vereinigte Kirche Christi in Japan.

Viele Kirchen werden geschlossen, ein Pfarrer und einige Laien werden inhaftiert.

Neuerrichtung der Evang.-Luth. Kirche in Japan in Kumamoto.
12 Luth. Kirchen und Missionsgesellschaften aus unterschiedlichen Ländern beginnen eine Missionsarbeit in Japan.

Die Tokai Lutheran Mission schließt sich der JELC an.

Das Lutherische Theologische Seminar wird nach Mitaka, Tokyo verlegt.

Kirchenleitung und Gemeinden verzichten auf Hilfen aus dem Ausland.
Pfarrer der JELC werden nach USA, Brasilien und Deutschland entsandt.

Die 100 Jahr-Feier in Kumamoto wird zu einem großen Schritt ins 2. Jahrhundert der JELC.