India-Japan Nuclear Agreement

Indien-Japan  -  ein Vertrag zum Bau von AKWs

Texte aus Indien s. am Ende des Beitrags!

Ministerpräsident ABE Shinzo in Indien

(download als pdf-Datei hier)

Mr. Shinzo Abe,
You're welcome to India, nukes are NOT!

Please spread the word. Oppose the absurdity of India-Japan nuclear agreement after Fukushima, when Mr. Shinzo Abe is not able to fix Fukushima and all reactors in Japan have been closed down.

Dear Friends,

Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan is going to be India's chief guest for this year's Republic Day ceremony on 26th January.

During visit from 24-26 January, the India-Japan nuclear agreement will also be finalised, which the two governments have been pushing for a long time.

We support better relationship between India and Japan but find a nuclear agreement absurd and unacceptable after Fukushima.

- It is ironical that Japan is selling nuclear technology to other countries while the crisis in Fukushima is further deepening. People evacuated have no hope of returning back and the dangerous leaks of radioactive water are continuing unabated.

- The agreement will give a push to the Indian government's insane and anachronistic nuclear expansion drive which it is implementing through brutal repression of its rural poor. A recent global nuclear safety report has ranked India 23rd last among the 25 countries. The nuclear regular in India is completely toothless and non-independent, as highlighted by the CAG report last year.

Weiterlesen: India-Japan Nuclear Agreement


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