Ehemaliger Präsident der Republik Korea

Dezember 1925 - 18. August 2009

Abschied vom ehemaligen Präsidenten KIM Dae Jung


Präsident Kim Dae-jung.
Aufgebahrt vor dem Parlament in Yoido, Seoul

KIM Dae-jung verstarb am 18. August 2009
im Severance Hospital in Seoul


Former President Kim Dae-jung passes away

Until the last moment of his life, Former President Kim DJ clinged to democracy and unification
"The Democracy is moving backward"...He warned the Lee Myung-Bak Governmnet mehr

A Giant of Our Age Leaves Behind a Great Mark

Is Culture Destiny? (Foreign Affairs, 1994)

Lebenslauf 1989 

Kim Dae-jung says, “I would make the same decision”
Former President Kim pays his respects to Roh Moo-hyun and
criticizes the retreat from democracy and worsening inter-Korean relations under President Lee

Former President Kim Dae-jung places a chrysanthemum in front of former President Roh Moo-hyun’s picture at an incense burning place in Seoul Station on May 28, 2009

Former President Kim Dae-jung walked with a cane to place a chrysanthemum in front of former President Roh Moo-hyun’s picture at the memorial site that had been set up at Seoul Station on May 28. Former President Kim chose to visit the Seoul Station incense burning place where citizens have been paying their respects to the late president rather than the Seoul Museum of History incense burning place that has been visited by high-ranking politicians and business people.

11. Juni 2009:  The 9th Anniversary of the June 15 South-North Declaration. Special Lecture
KIM Dae-Jung: Be a Conscience in Action!
Quelle: Kim Dae Jung Peace Center

Gerd Decke: Der koreanische Mandela
Kim Dae-Jung wollte Süd- und Nordkorea versöhnen. Sein Tod ist ein großer Verlust (dpa)

Gerd Decke war von 1999 bis 2005 Referent für Korea und Japan im Berliner Missionswerk
Quelle: vom 13.09.2009





19980225 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony  

20000309 Address at the Free Univerity of Berlin: Lessons of German Reunification and the Korean Peninsula 

reveived from Prof. Dr. KIM Sung-Jae, Office of the President (10 June 2000).

20000518 Remarks on the 20th Anniversary of the May 18 Kwangju Democratization Movement
reveived from Prof. Dr. KIM Sung-Jae, Office of the President (10 June 2000).
















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