ST2019 - A Report
Studientagung der DOAM - Interreligiöse Studienprogramme
Termin: 04.-06. Oktober 2019 - Ort: Hoffmanns Höfe, Frankfurt am Main
Veranstalter: EMS, BMW, DOAM in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum Ökumene der KHN und EKKW.
Interreligiöse Studienprogramme als Aufgabe der Kirche in multi-religiösen Gesellschaften –
Erfahrungen aus Indien, Japan und dem Libanon
Interreligious Study Programs as Task for the Church in Multi-religious Societies – Experiences from India, Japan and Lebanon
The above conference took place in Frankfurt, organized by EMS, EKHN, DOAM and BMW together in cooperation. The conference aimed at bringing the three study programs on interreligious learning and to bring together the faculty of these institutes and the participants to share learning outcomes and the impact the study programs has offered. And to the sending German churches and Mission societies the influence and impact these study programs has brought about by the participants.
The 3 study programs include, ISJP-Inter-religious study program in Japan, NEST-Neareast School of Theology in Beirut/Lebanon, and HMI- Henry Martin Institute for Islamic Studies, Hyderabad, India. Both students and Pastoral colleagues from EKHN participated in this program and shared their reflections and learning followed by discussion.
The inter-religious study program as task of the Church in Multi- Religious Societies, Experiences from India, Japan and Lebanon.
The conference organized by EKHN and EKKW, EMS, DOAM, BMW from 4-6 October 2019, at Frankfurt had 3 segments and groups.
Download the Report (pdf)