ST2019 - Interrel.Studienprogramme: Vorträge

Studientagung der DOAM - Interreligiöse Studienprogramme
Termin: 04.-06. Oktober 2019   -   Ort: Hoffmanns Höfe, Frankfurt am Main
Veranstalter: EMS, BMW, DOAM in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum Ökumene der KHN und EKKW.

Interreligiöse Studienprogramme als Aufgabe der Kirche in multi-religiösen Gesellschaften –
Erfahrungen aus Indien, Japan und dem Libanon

Interreligious Study Programs as Task for the Church in Multi-religious Societies – Experiences from India, Japan and Lebanon

Hier der Flyer mit Programm


Zu den Vorträgen:

Freitag, 04.10.2019
Begrüßung und Einführung:

ÖKR Pfr. Detlev Knoche, EKHN, Zentrum Ökumene
Begrüßung und Einführung 
Pfn. Dr. Kerstin Neumann, Ev. Mission in Solidarität
Welcome Addresses 
Lutz Drescher, DOAM

Vorstellung der Studien Programme in Indien, Japan und Libanon
lntroductions of the study programs in lndia, Japan and Lebanon

Rev. Dr. Packiam Samuel
Director, Henry Martyn Institute (HMI), Hyderabad
Rev. Dr. Vincent Rajkumar
Director, Christian Institute for Study of Religion and Society (CISRS), Bangalore

Rev. Toru Akiyama
General Secretary, United Church of Christ, Japan Tokyo
Prof. em. Tetsuo Miyasho
Director, NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, Kyoto; lnterreligious Studies in Japan Program (ISJP)
Prof. em. Peter Knecht
Nanzan University, Nagoya; Dozent am ISJP

Beirut, Libanon
Pfr. Dr. Uwe Gräbe
Verbindungsreferent für Nahen Osten, Geschäftsführer des Evang. Vereins für die Schneller Schulen, EMS, SIMÖ, Stuttgart
Pfr. Dr. Andreas Herrmann
Referent für Dialog mit dem Islam, ZOE, Frankfurt

Samstag, 05.10.2019
Lutz Drescher   -   Morgen-Andacht

Henry Martyn Institute, NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions & Near East School of Theology:
Ökumenische und interreligiöse Erfahrungen der Alumni
HMI, /SJP, NEST: Alumni sharing ecumenical & interreligious /earning experiences

Studium in Israel an der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem
Prof. Dr. Bernd Schröder, Universität Göttingen

Pfr. Johannes Wildner, EKHN

Studium am HMI
Pfr. Dr. Johny Thonipara, Referent für Asien, ZOE

ISJP Alumni

Pfr. Tobias Eckerter
Pfrin Miriam Hechler
M.Ed. Thomas Linke


Stud. theol. Maximiliane Rink
Dipi.-Theol. Johann Anton Zieme

Die Bedeutung der interreligösen und interkulturellen Studienprogramme für multireligiöse Gesellschaften in einer globalisierten Welt
The significance of interreligious and intercultural study programs for multi-religious societies in a globalized world 

Rev. Dr. Peniel Jesudason Rajkumar, Programme Coordinator, lnterreligious Dialogue &Cooperation, WCC, Geneva
Rev. Dionisie Arion, Stipendienreferat, Brot für die Weit, LWB, Berlin
Dr. Martin Repp, ehemals Referent für Dialog mit Asiatischen Religionen, ZOE; früherer Coordinator des ISJP, Kyoto

Sonntag, 06.10.2019
Rev. Solomon Benjamin   -   Morgenandacht 

Wirkung und Zukunftsperspektiven der interreligiösen Studien-Programme für Kirchen und Mission in Deutschland sowie für die Okumene
Impact and future perspectives of interreligious study programs for German churches, mission and the ecumene

Kirchenrat Pfr. Klaus Rieth, Ev. Kirche Württemberg, Präsident der EMS
OKR Pfr. Detlev Knoche, EKHN, ZOE, Frankfurt /Main
Pfrin Dr. Kerstin Neumann, Kommissarische Generalsekretärin EMS, Stuttgart

Abschluss-Diskussion / Final Roundup Discussion

Rev. Dionisie Arion, Bread for the World, LWB
Prof. Tetsuo Miyasho, ISJP
Rev. Dr. Peniel Jesudason Rajkumar, WCC
Rev. Dr. Packiam Samuel, HMI



„Interreligiöse Bildung als Aufgabe der Kirche in pluralistischen Gesellschaften“
Let us try to be silent and in silence let us be open for the presence of God.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be
with all of us.
God we thank you that you added another day to the span of our live. Let us live today in
your presence, let us make use of this day for the benefit of the people we meet and for
your glory.
Let us sing a song from Taize, which many of you will know: Magnificat
Let us read the „magnificat“:
Lukas 1, 46-55
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,
47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold,
from now on all generations will call me blessed;
49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is
his name.
50 And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to
51 He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud
in the thoughts of their hearts;
52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted
those of humble estate;|
53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has
sent away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,
55 as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring

Dear friends,
“Turn all your study to letting God grow great for you” this is the theme of this devotion.
Since we are dealing with Study Programmes this seems to be an interesting hint. Who has
given us this instruction “Turn all your study to letting God grow great for you” I will reveal
at the end.
“Meine Seele preist die Größe des Herrn - My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices
in God my Savior” this is the song of Mary, this is in a way my song too.
The longer I live, the more I study, the more time I spend in Meditation the greater God
becomes for me and the more I can join in in this song “Meine Seele preist die Größe des
Herrn - My soul magnifies the Lord”.
Some of you know my life story, how when I was young in my quest for God I became a
Sannyasin in India and then rediscovered the truth and the beauty of the Christian faith in
which I grew up. Sometimes I say that I became a Christian during a detour through India.
“Ich wurde ein Christ auf dem Umweg über Indien”.
Howsoever, and this is reason to be grateful: During my encounter with Hindu faith,
philosophy and spirituality, I developed a deep and lasting respect for the faith of the other…
I remember well how more than 40 years ago I sat at sunrise at the banks of the river Ganga
in Varanasi. I read and meditated the daily watchword and prayed. And I watched the
thousands of pilgrims taking their bath in the Ganges. Watching them, I did not feel
separated from them. On the contrary watching them I could feel how much they were
longing for God and my respect grew even deeper…. Those among you who spent time in
India will understand what I mean. People there in a way are so much more religious than
we are, are open for and dependent on the presence of God.
Until today, I am grateful for both: for the respect, I have for the faith of other people, for
the conscience that I can learn from them. And for the fact that encountering them I
rediscovered my own faith….
Let me mention some important aspects: As Christians, we know about God’s passion and
compassion revealed in Jesus Christ. The Song of Mary is mentioning that the heart of God is
beating in a special way for those who are downtrodden, hungry or marginalized. In addition,
as Christians we know that we are not the authors of our salvation. God in his mercy has
saved us.
“Meine Seele preist die Größe des Herrn - My soul magnifies the Lord“. Singing this song
Mary already was indicating what the mission of her son Jesus Christ was. Whenever Jesus
encountered people, he liberated them from images of God making God small. Moreover,
after those encounters people often were amazed, amazed that God is so different from
what they thought he is. When I think about God how Jesus not only preached him but
“lived” him (I’m not going into the secret of incarnation, Jesus not only preached God but
“lived” him) than a German word comes into my mind” “Weitherzigkeit, in Korean: hananim
eu nokoroun maum, God who has an open and wide heart. God’s heart is open as far as
heaven is. Nothing and no-one under the sun shall be excluded from the love of God. “Meine
Seele preist die Größe des Herrn - My soul magnifies the Lord“.
These are the thoughts which are on my heart and which I really wanted to share with you:
“Deus semper Major” - God is always greater than whatever we have so far understood from
him or her. The benedict monk and Zen teacher David Steindl- Rast used to say: “One of the
names of God is surprise”. Let us be open to surprise. “Meine Seele preist die Größe des
Herrn - My soul magnifies the Lord”.
Let me quote again the instruction, which I read at the beginning and which I recently
discovered. “Turn all your study to letting God grow great for you, so that all your sincerity
and striving is directed toward Him”. "Darauf setze nun all dein Bemühen, dass Dir Gott groß
werde und dass all dein Streben und Fleiß ihm zugewandt sei in allem deinem Tun und
I found this in the 5th Talk of Instruction of the famous Mystic and teacher Master Eckhart:
I pray that this is happening in the study programmes and in the entire work, EMS is doing,
that God grows great for us. Amen
The song we are singing now is an invitation to live openhearted:

God because he is great is giving great gifts, But we are poor and have only small hearts.
Let us pray:
God we thank you for this precious opportunity to share our experiences in encountering
people of different faith. You know that sometimes it seems as if we are worlds apart from
each other. Help us to find ways of mutual understanding.
God we know that religions are often causing problems instead of solving them. Living God,
you want us to live in peace with each other. Help us to live your peace.
God, often otherness is perceived as a threat. You are the ultimate other. Make us open for
God we hope that you grow great for us and we are ready that all our sincerity and striving is
directed towards you – through your Holy Spirit.
In a circle we ask God to bless us all those we love and all those who are adversaries.
Lutz Drescher






Stud.Tagung 2019 Frankfurt: alle Beiträge