2020: Plans for Assembly build excitement across the globe

2021 Karlsruhe - 11. Vollversammlung
wcc, 18.02.2020
Quelle: https://www.oikoumene.org/en/press-centre/news/plans-for-11th-wcc-assembly-build-excitement-across-the-globe-1

Plans for 11th WCC Assembly build excitement across the globe

Ms. Fagerlin answers questions:
"... The Assembly Planning Committee has compiled a detailed report of the assembly programme, thematic plenaries, the business of the assembly and flow of how we are going to harvest the wisdom of the assembly and bring that into business plenaries.

The Assembly Planning Committee is recommending a new invention for the assembly, and that is “home groups,” or small groups to which all delegates are assigned for discussing the Bible texts chosen for the day and the thematic focus for the day. The same groups will meet daily during the assembly and across denominational, geographic and cultural lines.

We will also have ecumenical conversations. These are about 20 conversations centered around in-depth discussion points where participants have time to engage with particular themes. The ecumenical conversations are being developed by the WCC in collaboration with partners. Registered delegates, representatives and observers to the assembly can register with one ecumenical conversation which will take place in four sessions over four days.

Another big part of the programme is the “Brunnen,” which is German for “the well,” especially a well in the middle of a village where people come to fetch water, the source of life. The Brunnen will feature workshops, exhibitions and activities, some of which will be assigned to different places and different times. We hope that a lot of WCC partners and member churches apply to offer something for the Brunnen. An application process is being launched, and more information on the Brunnen will be ready very soon.

We have a separate Assembly Worship Planning Committee, and they are coming up with really good ideas for the prayer life in the morning and evening, and also confessional as well as opening and closing prayers. ..."

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