Forum for Korea (2011): The 92nd Anniversary of March 1st Independence Movement from Japan

Commemorating Worship service and North and South Christian Joint Statement


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3. Koreanisch


Korea National Coucil of Churches's comment on the Korea-US Joint Military Drills

1. The 92nd anniversary of March 1st Independence Movement from Japan: Commemorating Worship service and North and South Christian Joint Statement

[2. NCCK's comment on the Korea - US Joint Military Drills.  s. u.]

The NCCK Unification committee hold the South and North Christian worship service commemorating the 92nd anniversary of March 1st Independence Movement at the Christian Building at 4 pm on February 27th, 2011.


The idea of this joint worship service came out from the Korean Christian Federation in North Korea which suggested of joint worship service and joint statement, and the NCCK Unification Committee had agreed to this suggestion.

The worship service has started with Rev. Rah Haek Jip as the presider that confessed our sin and asked the mercy of God because despite what we should live as one with deep introspection when we look back our history, we have lived of division and conflict based on the difference of ideology and thought.

Rev. Kim Gi-Taeck, Chairperson of the Unification Committee of the NCCK, in his sermon, said that "through today worship service hoping and praying in one faith in Christ for protecting us from invasion of foreign forces, and joyful oneness of our nation, let us break down the wall between the two Koreas and open a new era of exchange and cooperation with being united in Christ,

Rev. Lee Young Hoon, the president of the NCCK, delivered his message through video message, Rev. Cha Sun-Gak, Chair of its board member of YMCA and Rev. Kim Young-Ju, the NCCK General Secretary, delivered their greetings. Rev. Kim said "he hopes that we are deeply moved by this worship service experiencing of oneness of North and South Korea, and let us go ahead for praying and cooperating for reconciliation and well-living. After reading the Joint Statement between churches in the North and the South by Dr. Lee Sam Ryul, the worship service was ended by our commitment which we are going to live our life as not shameful to God, to our neighbor and to our society, remembering of the mission commissioned by God,

The Joint Statement between churches in the North and the South is as follows:

On the occasion of the 92 anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement from Japan, we as concerned Christians declare our stance as follows:
1. We strongly denounce any attempts to invade our nation from any super power countries and any intension to open a way making possible to invade. Especially we angry at and are deeply concerned about the entry into Pusan port by Japanese Aegis fleet and the expression of consideration of possible dispatch of the Japanese Self-Defence Forces by the Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.
2. We strongly urge the Japanese government to repent its past sin, to keep its peace constitution 9, to promptly stop worship the Yasukuni Shrine and to teach next generation with right historical textbook. And we declare that the Japanese insistence to Dokdo island is not affordable.
3. We urge the Japanese government to justly compensate to the so called "the drafted comfort women" and the forced military draftees by Japan and not to discriminate Korean-Japanese and their descendants and treat them without discrimination same as Japanese people.

February 27th, 2011

Rev. Kim Young Ju
General Secretary

Rev. Kang Young Sup
Chair of the Korean Christian Federation


A Comment on the Korea-US Joint Military drills

The Unification Committee of the National Council of Churches in Korea is informed that the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercises will be continued for 2 months starting from today February 28th till the end of April.

Having declared of stopping military exercise by both North and South Korea within 40km from North and South border at the center of the demilitarized zone. this committee has expressed its deep concern and seriously urged as follows:

1. Both South and North Korea should temperate in any military exercises and psychological warfare within 40km north and south from the demilitarized zone. What South Korea resumed sending advocation paper and North Kroea's fierceful response to it as fire-shooting with direct target in Seoul are threatening peace on the Korean peninsula and highly raising possibility of war.

2. Both North and South Korea should stop in one accord every behavior and voices fostering military clashes and to move toward dialogue and negotiation. It will be a least responsibility and thoughtful consideration toward people who are suffering of wounds and fear of war.

February 28th, 2011

Rev. Kim Gi-Taeck
Chairperson of the Unification Committee



Gemeinsame Erklärung der Nord- und Südkoreanischen Kirchen zum 92. Jahrestag der 1. März Bewegung

(sinngemäße, nichtoffizielle Übersetzung aus dem Koreanischen)

Selig sind die Friedfertigen; denn sie werden Gottes Kinder heißen. (Matthäus 5:9)
Ja, warum haben sie mich so erzürnt durch ihre Bilder und fremde, nichtige Götzen? (Jeremia 8:19)

Der 1. März vor genau 92 Jahren ist ein unvergesslicher Tag für unsere Nation. An jenem Tag protestierte die gesamte koreanische Nation aus Patriotismus gegen die japanische Kolonialregierung. Das ganze Volk, unabhängig vom Alter, Geschlecht, Religion und geographischer Herkunft erwachte und rief vereint das âunabhängige Vaterland für zehntausend Jahre!â (대한(조선) 독립 만세!) aus, weil sie der Verlust ihres eigenen Landes und die Gewaltherrschaft der japanischen Regierung zutiefst schmerzte.
Der Ruf an diesem Tag erreichte und rüttelte die ganze Bevölkerung auf und führte sie zum Widerstand gegen Japan. Diese Widerstandsbewegung hielt ungebrochen an bis zum Fall der japanischen Besatzungsmacht und unsere koreanische Nation erlangte schließlich ihre ersehnte Unabhängigkeit. Darüber hinaus markierte die 1.-März-Bewegung ein historisches Ereignis für alle Völker in den japanisch besetzten Ländern Asiens, das diese darin bestärkte, ihren Freiheits- und Unabhängigkeitswillen weiterzuverfolgen.

Nie wieder soll in unserer Geschichte ein anderes mächtiges Land unsere Nation überfallen. Aber die japanischen Machthaber scheinen die in der Vergangenheit von Japan begangenen Untaten lieber zu vergessen und zu verdrängen und lassen stattdessen ihre imperialistischen Motive und Absichten wiederholt offen zu Tage treten. Dies zeigt sich durch die Verstärkung des Militärs, Abschaffung des § 9 (Friedensartikel) in der Verfassung, die Verehrung des Yasukuni (야스쿠니) Schreins und bewusst verfälschte Geschichtsdarstellung in japanischen Schulbüchern. Mehrere asiatische Länder sind besorgt und empört über diese aggressive militärische Tendenz der japanischen Regierung.
Auch wenn seit dem viel Zeit vergangen ist, erschallt der Ausruf von vor 92 Jahren „대한(조선)독립 만세", der das ganze Land ergriff und ausfüllte, auch heute noch laut und klar. In diesem Gedanken und aus GOTTES Gebot herleitend, dass man sein Land und seine Nation vor äußeren Angriffen schützen muss, geben wir unseren gemeinsamen Willen wie folgt bekannt:

Wir lehnen als Christen jegliche Maßnahmen entschieden ab, die eine Wiederbesetzung unseres Landes zur Folge haben kann und klagen Angriffsabsichten jeglicher anderer Länder an. Wir bedauern und besonders empört über den Vorfall, dass das japanische Kriegsschiff 이지스함 im letzten Jahr im Hafen von Pusan einlief und über die Äußerung des japanischen Ministerpräsidenten Kan (간 나오토), dass seine Regierung erwägt, eigene Militäreinheiten nach Korea zu schicken, wenn die Lage in Korea eskaliert.

Wir fordern die japanische Regierung mit Nachdruck auf, dass sie über ihre Schuld an den in der Vergangenheit verübten Untaten aufrichtige Reue zeigt, § 9 (Friedensartikel) in der Verfassung einhält, die Verehrung des Yasukuni (야스쿠니) Schreins ab sofort unterlässt und ihrer jungen Generation die eine der Wahrheit entsprechende Darstellung der geschichtlichen Ereignisse in den verwendeten Schulbüchern vermittelt. Wir bringen ferner klar zum Ausdruck, dass der japanische Territoriumsanspruch auf die Insel Dok-Do in jedem Fall unberechtigt ist.

Die japanische Regierung muss die âTrostfrauenâ und Zwangsarbeiter, die im 2. Weltkrieg von den Japanern verschleppt wurden, rechtmäßig entschädigen. Die in Japan lebenden Koreaner (Cho-Seon) sowie ihre Nachfolgegenerationen dürfen nicht benachteiligt und diskriminiert werden. Daher fordern wir mit aller Entschiedenheit die von der japanischen Regierung durchzusetzende und ausdrücklich zu fördernde Gleichberechtigung von Japanern und den in Japan lebenden Koreanern.

Auch in Zukunft werden wir, die koreanischen Christen, gemeinsam beten und uns bemühen, den biblischen Auftrag, das Licht und Salz zu sein, zu erfüllen und die Liebe des HERRN zur eigenen Nation und SEINEN Geist durch die Förderung der Selbstbestimmung im eigenen Land zu verwirklichen.


National Council of Churches in Korea - Koreanischer Christenbund
Rev. Kim Young Ju - Rev. Kang Young Sup
General Secretary



3·1운동 92주년 기념 남·북(북·남) 교회 공동선언문

"평화를 위하여 일하는 사람은 행복하다. 그들은 하나님의 자녀가 될 것이다."(마 5:9)

"어찌하여 남의 나라 허수아비를 들여다가 섬기며 내 속을 썩여주느냐?"(렘 8:19)

92년 전 3월 1일은 우리 민족이 일제의 식민지통치에 항거하여 독립애국운동을 벌인 잊을 수 없는 날이다. 이날 우리 민족은 일제의 식민지 폭압통치 아래서 망국의 아픔을 절감하고, 신앙·지역·직업·남녀노소 구분 없이 한결같이 떨쳐 일어나 <대한(조선)독립 만세!>를 외쳤다. 전국 방방곡곡에서 울려 퍼진 그날의 외침은 온 민족을 각성시켰으며 마침내 항일대전으로 일제를 패망시키고 감격의 민족해방을 이룩하였다. 나아가 우리의 3·1운동은 아시아 전체의 식민지 백성들에게 자유와 독립에 대한 의지를 확산시키는 역사적 사건이 되었다.

우리 역사에 강대국에 의한 침략이 되풀이되어서는 결코 안 된다. 그럼에도 과거 역사의 죄를 망각한 일본은 자위대 강화, 일본 평화헌법 9조 폐기, 야스쿠니 신사 참배, 교과서 파동 등을 통해 다시 제국주의화하려는 움직임을 끊임없이 드러내고 있다. 아시아의 여러 나라들은 일본의 이러한 군국주의화 경향에 대하여 우려와 분노를 금치 못하고 있다.

역사는 흘렀지만 92년 전 그날 온 강산에 차고 넘쳤던 <대한(조선)독립 만세!> 소리가 오늘도 메아리치고 있다. 우리 그리스도인들은 3·1운동 92주년을 맞아 외세의 침략으로부터 자기 민족을 지키라고 하신 주님의 명령을 함께 실천하기 위하여 다음과 같이 뜻을 모아 선언한다.

1. 우리 그리스도인들은 어떠한 강대국이라도 우리나라에 대한 침략 의도를 규탄하며 재침략의 길을 열어주려는 그 어떤 행위도 단호히 배격한다. 특히 지난 해 일본 해군 이지스 함이 부산항에 입항한 일과 최근 일본 간 나오토 총리가 한반도 유사시에 자위대 파견을 검토하고 있다는 발언에 분노하며 심히 유감을 표한다.

2. 일본 정부는 과거의 죄에 대하여 진심으로 참회하여, 일본 평화헌법 9조를 수호하고, 야스쿠니 참배를 즉각 중단하며, 교과서를 통해 후세들에게 올바른 역사교육을 시킬 것을 강력히 요구한다. 또한 일본의 독도 영유권 주장도 결코 가당치 않다는 점을 분명하게 밝힌다.

3. 일본 정부는 일제에 의해 강제로 끌려간 일본군 위안부들과 강제 징용자들에게 합법적인 배상을 해야 하고, 재일 한국(조선)인들과 그 후손들을 차별해서는 안 되며 일본 국민과 평등하게 대우할 것을 강력히 요구한다.

우리 그리스도인들은 앞으로도 주님의 민족 사랑과 민족자존의 정신을 실천하는 길에서 함께 기도하며 빛과 소금의 사명을 다해나갈 것이다.

2011년 2월 27일

한국기독교교회협의회 조선그리스도교련맹

총 무 김 영 주 위 원 장 강 영 섭


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