2019: Reflecting on the Aizu Radiation Information Center's - 7 Years

11. März 2011 - 11. März 2019  -  311 ist noch (lange) nicht geschafft!

Ein Bericht auf Japanisch
東電元幹部に禁錮刑 5年を求刑!東電元幹部に禁錮刑 5年を求刑!福島原発事故 刑事裁判を傍聴して会津放射能情報センター 片岡輝美

Reflecting on the Aizu Radiation Information Center's Seventh Term Activities Aizu Radiation Information Center Representative
Terumi Kataoka

"On March 11, 2011, the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident erupted following the Great East Japan Earthquake and giant tsunami. While society fell into chaos, citizens who felt the terror of radiation exposure and a heightened distrust in the Japanese government and TEPCO gathered to establish the "Group to Protect Children's Lives from Radiation - Aizu" (May 2011). We formed the "Aizu Radiation Information Center" (July 2011) with the aim of quickly collecting and disseminating various kinds of information. Even now that seven years have passed, we continue to dedicate time and effort to protecting life and regaining human rights. It is evident that we could not do so without the support and existence of people who have connected with the center. I am deeply grateful for their undying encouragement. ...,"

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