Solidarity Conference 1993
Asian Solidarity Conference for the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
2nd Conference October 22, 1993
The representatives from South Korea, North Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, and Indonesia, who participated in the Second Asian Solidarity Conference on military sexual slavery by Japan, adopt resolutions as follows.
We have carried on our movement following the resolutions adopted in August of last year in Seoul, South Korea. The resolutions called for a fact-finding survey, investigation, and disclosure of the truth and responsible atonement of the war past by the Japanese government. Also adopted was an outreach to international organizations, and strengthening of solidarity across nations.
Since then, the movement has made great strides in countries such as China, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In the Philippines, whose delegates participated in the First Conference, victims have come forth and filed lawsuits. The issue of military sexual slavery by Japan (“comfort women”) was taken up globally as a women’s human rights issue. Even at a subcommittee of the UN Commission on Human Rights, a Special Rapporteur was appointed to investigate the problem. The Japanese government also came to recognize the forced nature of the Japanese military “comfort women” albeit partially in its second investigation report. We believe that these developments can be recognized as accomplishments of our movement.
However, the Japanese government has not changed on their stance towards reparations, deeming the problem as “resolved.” There are still today former Japanese military “comfort women” who cannot make public the painful experience of their past throughout various areas in Asia. Further effort on our part is thus demanded for the resolution of the problem.
In light of these facts, we declare the following resolutions.
1. The Japanese government must acknowledge the fact that the Japanese military sexual slavery system constitutes an organized crime committed by the fascism of Japan’s Emperor System and the militarist state power.
2. Conduct a fact-finding survey over the entire Asia-Pacific region and a thorough investigation for the truth showing figures such as total number, nationalities, and names of the victims. Release the findings as the third investigation report.
3. The Japanese government must implement special legislation to make reparation to the victims.
4. The Japanese government must comply completely with the international law and sign the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
5. The Japanese government must make public those who were responsible. They must be punished.
6. The Japanese government must provide in-depth history education based on self-awareness as the aggressor of the past and strive to promote ideas on peace and human rights thoroughly.
We fear that the Japanese government force separate compromise on each of the concerned governments by using its economic might. Faced with such concerns, we strengthen our recognition of the dire importance of the solidarity movement and adopt the following resolutions.
1. We shall develop a stronger domestic movement in each country on the issue of military sexual slavery by Japan.
2. Victimized nations must work toward signing the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity to contribute to the development of the international law.
3. Actively support the work of the Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights.
4. Strive to raise the issue of military sexual slavery by Japan at the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing in 1995 and other international conferences on human rights.
We strive to eliminate all forms of sexual slavery and rape with the recognition that the problem of military sexual slavery by Japan is not simply a problem of the past but a problem linked to the deeply rooted oppression of sexuality as human rights that still today manifests itself in different forms,