2020: The Testimony of a Victim of Forced Sterilization in Japan

Eugenics in Japan

The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 18 | Issue 7 | Number 2 | Article ID 5384 | Apr 01, 2020
 Mit freundlicher Erlaubnis von Japan Focus

The Testimony of a Victim of Forced Sterilization in Japan:  Kita Saburō

Astghik Hovhannisyan


About 16,500 people were sterilized under the now-defunct Eugenic Protection Law (1948-1996) of Japan, whose aim was to “prevent the birth of eugenically inferior offspring, and to protect maternal health and life”. Kita Saburō (pseudonym), was one of the victims. He was sterilized in 1957, at the age of fourteen, while residing at a facility for troubled youths called Shūyō Gakuen in Sendai. This article introduces Kita’s testimony about his sterilization, and offers possible explanations of why Kita, who had no disability, was forcibly sterilized.

The interview was conducted on September 12, 2019 in Kita’s house in Nerima ward, Tokyo. Interview and translation by Astghik Hovhannisyan.

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