Solidarity Conference 1995
Asian Solidarity Conference for the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan
3rd Conference February 28, 1995
The representatives of the citizen’s groups from South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan came together from February 27 to March 1st, 1995 to hold the Third Asian Solidarity Conference. We deeply regret that the scheduled participation by representatives from North Korea did not take place. However, we also feel fortunate that we were able to confirm the solidarity of five nations in the end, as the North Korean representatives sent us a statement and clarified their stance in relation to the primary agenda of the conference.
The year 1995 is a significant year, as the 50th anniversary of the end of the World War II. All participants of this conference cannot help but feel anger over the fact that the problem of military sexual slavery by Japan, which is a clear case of human rights violation, has not been resolved until today, 50 years after the Japan’s defeat. We believe that the resolution of the problem cannot wait any longer. The victims and all participants at the conference denounce and resolve to oppose vigorously the “private atonement fund plan” recently initiated by the Japanese government, as it is an unethical and deceptive ploy concocted by the Japanese government to deny the problem of military sexual slavery as a crime and to avoid its legal responsibility. We also demand immediate cessation of the actions by the Japanese government, whose effort to persuade Asian nations to accept the private atonement fund plan have wreaked confusion on the victims and the support groups. We shall deal forcefully with such actions.
The Japanese military sexual slavery system is the most atrocious crime committed by the Japanese Empire during its invasion and war in Asia. Therefore, the heart of the matter comes down to a grave question: whether Japan assumes responsibility for its past invasion and crime or not. Unless the problem of military sexual slavery by Japan is resolved, the pain of the war will persist in the hearts of the victims of sexual slavery and in the anger of the Asian peoples. Also more than anything else, without taking responsibility for the war, the danger of war lingers in the militarists who seek Japan becoming a military super power. In this sense, even though the problem of military sexual slavery by Japan is a problem of the past, it is linked to the present and future establishment of women’s human rights and peace in Asia at the same time. Moreover, the problem calls for eternal banishment of such violence from the history of human race.
While once again acknowledging the fact that not a single demand made by the representatives of the Second Asian Solidarity Conference against the Japanese government on October 22, 1993 were not met, we strongly demand the following against the Japanese government.
1. Acknowledge the fact that military sexual slavery by Japan constitutes a war crime committed by the fascism of Japan’s Emperor System and the militarist state power.
2. Conduct a fact-finding survey over the entire Asia-Pacific region. Thoroughly investigate the truth to show figures such as total number of the victims and a name list of victims according to nationalities. Release a report.
3. Withdraw the deceptive “private atonement fund plan” and implement special legislation to make reparation to the victims.
4. Comply completely with the international law and sign the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.
5. Accept arbitration by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA).
6. Promote thorough education on the history of past aggressions along with ideas on peace and human rights to raise genuine consciousness for historical facts and prevent further occurrence of such crimes.
We take the suffering of the victims of military sexual slavery by Japan as the suffering of all women. And we shall strengthen the solidarity of women further to prevent Japan from becoming a military superpower, and to achieve peace in Asia, while eliminating sexual oppression and violence against women from the face of the earth. We resolve that we will carry forth following actions toward the resolution of the problem of the Japanese military sexual slavery.
1. Gather all our might to repeal the Japanese government’s “private atonement fund” for the problem of military sexual slavery by Japan.
2. Carry on the petition drive to oppose Japan’s securing of a permanent member seat in the UN Security Council.
3. Support special research activities at the UN Commission on Human Rights. In addition, pressure the Japanese government to carry out the recommendations proposed by the UN Commission on Human Rights, the International Commission of Jurists, and the World Council of
Churches among others.
4. Expand the movement in each nation so that the Japanese government responds to the PCA and implement special legislation for reparation. Also call upon the Japanese government to issue a formal apology through the Diet resolution, to adopt an anti-war resolution, and to enact special legislation for reparations, while strengthening solidarity especially with Japanese citizens with consciousness.
5. Inform the world of the atrocious crimes committed by Japan and build solidarity with the women’s movements around the world at the Beijing World Conference on Women.
6. Actively urge the participation of labor movement organizations around the world so that the International Labor Organization takes action for the resolution of this problem.
7. Call on the governments in Asia, where victims reside, to urge the Japanese government more vigorously to come to genuine resolution. Also call on these governments to assist livelihood of the victims and activities of NGOs.
8. Oppose the Japanese government’s “private atonement fund” and work in creative and diverse manners to support the victims and build solidarity.