Fukushima: JEDRO-Projekt IX - Gesundheit der Kinder
JEDRO-Projekt IX
Long-term Convalescent Program for Radiation- Affected Children of Fukushima
Date: June 22, 2012
Applicant: NCC Japan Ecumenical Disaster Response Office (NCC-JEDRO)
Project Title: Long-term Convalescent Program for Radiation- Affected Children of Fukushima
Proposing Body: Specified Non-Profit Organization SHALOM
Budget: JPY 10,340,000 (= etwa 102.000 €)
(This amount consists of the project proposer's budget JPY9,400,000 and NCC-JEDRO's project support budget JPY940,000.)
Project Period: June 1 – October 31, 2012
Project Liaison: NCC-JEDRO staff
Bank Account Information
Name of Account Holder: NCCJEDRO
Address of Account Holder: 2-3-18-24 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 169-0051
Account Number: 0410283
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
Bank Name: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Branch Name: Takatanobaba Branch
Bank Address: 3-2-3 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Bank Code: 0005
Branch Code: 053
Purpose and Mission of NCC-JEDRO
The National Christian Council of Japan Ecumenical Disaster Response Office (NCC-JEDRO) was established on May 27 2011, by mandate of the Executive Council of NCCJ, as NCCJ's ecumenical response to the Great East Japan triple disaster of March 11, 2011. Manifesting the unity of the Church of Jesus Christ, JEDRO seeks to be a tangible and visible sign of hope for the people in Japan, especially the survivors, as facilitator of international support for humanitarian relief, for physical reconstruction, for accountable government, for environmental rehabilitation, and for efforts to address the spiritual and psychological trauma of people and communities devastated by the disaster. Seeking to demonstrate God's love for all people in Japan, JEDRO works with NCC-J member churches and organizations to encourage and identify self-initiated projects that answer survivors' needs. On behalf of these churches and organizations, NCC-JEDRO appeals to the international ecumenical community for solidarity in prayer and financial assistance.
1. Project Purpose
(Brief statement of Aims and Goals of proposed project.)
To expel radioactive materials that have accumulated in the body in order to reduce risks of developing radiation-related ailments such as leukemia and thyroid debilities, while learning from people of Hiroshima, who have experienced radiation exposure, lifestyle customs that can help to reduce exposure risks.
2. Project Location and Summary
(Brief outline of Activities to be carried out under proposed project. Details to be explained under 3. Detailed Project Description.)
① Allow children to convalesce in Hiroshima and Osaka, locations that are free of radioactive contamination, to reduce internal radiation and stress.
② Perform physical exams before and after the convalescent program, to assess children's health conditions.
③ Learn about ways to minimize radiation risks from people who have experienced exposure.
④ Ask participants to record their thoughts in essays, and combine these with physical exam data into a written report, which will be shared with educators, school boards and organizations that implement similar programs.
3. Detailed Project Description – Purposes, Activities and Indicators
Current Situation and Problems in Project Area and Among Intended Beneficiaries
The accident at Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant scattered radioactive materials across a wide area within Fukushima prefecture. There is no denying that children who do not have the option to evacuate, and therefore remain in Fukushima, are exposed to external and internal radiation where they live. Studies indicate that the "biological half-life" of cesium (the length of time that it takes for the metabolism to reduce by half the amount of Cesium in one's body) is 38 days for children between aged 2-9, and 70 days for persons aged 10-30. It is necessary to spend as long as possible outside of a contaminated area, in order to reduce internal radiation and strengthen immunity. In Belarus an "annual convalescent program of 24 days" still continues today, 26years after the Chernobyl accident. In Fukushima prefecture there are areas where spatial dose rates remain higher than 0.6 micro Sieverts (µSv), the standard used by government and industry to demark a "radiation control zone," and this is restricting children's ability to play outdoors. Lack of exercise is reducing physical strength, and constant indoor living is increasing stress. This project seeks to give children an opportunity to leave their contaminated environment and reduce internal radiation exposure and stress as they run and play outdoors without worry. Furthermore, the program will provide an opportunity to learn about ways to avoid radiation from people who have experienced radiation in Hiroshima prefecture.
As the program's timing includes the five-day "Obon" period, which is traditionally a time for extended families, we anticipate that many of the participants will want to spend Obon with family in Fukushima. For this reason we have divided the program into 3 stages; a 10-day stage 1, a 5-day stage 2 (the Obon period), and a 10-day stage 3, which allows for a maximum 25-day convalescence.
Purposes, Activities and Indicators
(Explain activities to be performed under the project, correspondence of each activity with budget line items, and list indicators that will be used to evaluate results.)
Purpose 1: Reduce internal radiation and stress for children of Fukushima
Activity 1-1: To minimize the burden of long distance travel, use high-speed Shinkansen ("bullet train") to move from Fukushima to Hiroshima.
Activity 1-2: Hold a recreational orientation meeting before departure, to share some instruction and foster familiarity among participants.
Activity 1-3: Provide opportunity for carefree play in Hiroshima.
Activity 1-4: Interaction with local people. Learn about local Hiroshima custom through visit to summer festivals, etc.
Activity 1-5: Visit educational facilities and monuments associated with the atomic bomb.
Indicator 1: Gather a total 40 participants for the two 10-day periods (period 1 and 3), and 10 participants for the full 25-day period. Total number of participants for the program: 50.
Purpose 2: Gain knowledge of the children's state of health.
Activity 2: Perform urine test and whole-body counter examination in Fukushima, both before departure and after return. Perform thyroid examination, blood test and electrocardiogram in Hiroshima, both upon arrival and before departure.
Indicator 2: Collation of physical exam data
Purpose 3: Provide opportunity to learn about how to avoid exposure from wisdoms accumulated by residents of Hiroshima prefecture.
Activity 3-1: Hear the stories of people who have experience exposure.
Activity 3-2: Learn about Qigong and dietary tips that can improve immunities.
Indicator 3: Record and compile presented information
Purpose 4: Create a record of the program's efficacy and make available in a report.
Activity 4-1: Collect essays from participants and produce an anthology.
Activity 4-2: Analyze physical examination data, produce a written report and send to educational councils and other interested bodies.
Indicator 4: Produce 100 copies of a report which includes participants' essays, photos of activities and health exam data.
4. Intended Beneficiaries
(Include explanation of who, and how many, will benefit from each project activity.)
Fifty children from Fukushima affected by radioactive contamination, from grade 4 up to high school age. (Selection to favor applicants from higher contamination areas)
5. Cooperation and Coordination with Other Actors
In Hiroshima
Yomogi no Atelier: Planning and guiding outdoor and learning activities
Medical professionals: Performance of thyroid, blood and electrocardiogram testing. Attendance by a clinical psychologist/counselor.
Junō no Kai: Planning and presentation of foods, as well as Qigong and diet instruction.
Junko Ōtsuki (Minister, United Church of Christ in Japan): Local coordination and support
In Osaka/Kinki area (for period 2 of program)
Swim Camp: Planning and leading outdoor activities in Osaka area.
Let's Invite Fukushima's Children! Akashi Project: Liaison with grassroots groups in the Kinki region.
In Fukushima region
We are now in discussion with public authorities, such as Hiroshima City Council, Fukushima Prefectural Council and Education Councils of Nihonmatsu city, Itachi city, and Kawamata town, to seek cooperation.
Coordination Chart
für Einzelheiten siehe die pdf-Datei
6. Reasons for Conducting this Project as a Church, or Christian Organization
Shalom was founded 30 years ago as a volunteer organization dedicated to the practice of Christian love. Rev. KOBAYASI, who has endorsed this project, was our founding representative. Although our main focus has long been support activities for persons with disabilities, we have been performing food preparation and distribution of living supplies to persons affected by the triple disaster since last year's great East-Japan earthquake. We have also been engaged in the planning and implementation of short-term convalescence programs for persons in Fukushima prefecture affected by radiation fallout from the nuclear power plant accident.
7. Project Administrative Structure
(1) Personnel
(Explain what personnel will be deployed, and for what tasks, to carry out project.)
Organized by: Staff of Specified Non-Profit Organization SHALOM Support Center
Munetaka SASAKI, Shalom Director
Hiroyuki YOSHINO, Shalom Staff
Yumiko SUZUKI, Shalom Part-time Staff
Kazumi SAWADA, Shalom Partner Staff: Nurse
Local Collaborator: Keiko MUROMOTO, Representative of Specified Non-Profit Organization Yomogi no Atelier (Hiroshima)
Local Collaborator: Motoko TAKAHASHI, Chairperson of Osaka Swim Camp Steering Committee, Director of Shizen-ha (Naturalist) Co-op (Osaka)
Health Exam Cooperation: Takeichi Thyroid Clinic (Hiroshima)
Radiation Exam Cooperation: Aya MARUMORI, Chairperson of Citizens' Radiation Measuring Station [CRMS] Fukushima)
Program support: Save the Children Japan (tentative)
Risk Management: All collaborators and Toshihiko TAKEDA, Office Head, Japan Travel Bureau Fukushima Office
(2) Financial Management
(Explain personnel, financial institution and location of account and cash management.)
Staff responsible for financial management of Shalom will manage project funds.
Location of financial management will be the office of Shalom, within our "Machinaka Yume Kōbō. Phone: 024-524-2230
8. Other Relevant Information
(1) Related activities by the applying organization
Past accomplishments:
* Planning and implementation of short-term convalescent programs, by consignment from Fukushima Prefecture, under its "Kizuna-zukuri (Bond-building) Support Project" (4 buses. Gained cooperation from Kawakita town and Kawanishi town of Yamagata prefecture: Total 90 participants in 4 trips during October and November 2011)
* Planning and Implementation of short-term convalescent program, in collaboration with organizers of the Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World (2 buses. Implemented a short-term convalescent program in Yokohama city on January 14 and 15, 2012)
* Planning and implementation of short-term convalescent program in collaboration with organizers of Earth Day Tokyo (4 buses. April 20-22 in Tokyo area. 160 participants.)
(2) Has application for funding be made to other organizations for this, or similar projects? YES
"Children's Rotational Convalescence and Evacuation Database Creation Project": With support from Church World Service we have been undertaking to build a database, whose purpose is to facilitate realization of a rotational convalescence program for school children during school terms. We are currently attempting to initiate a pilot program between Sapporo city in Hokkaido and Iidate village in Fukushima prefecture, in collaboration with local authorities and various grassroots organizations. We are also conducting surveys that will provide the basis for implementation by other municipalities. This project seeks to collate disparate data concerning forced and voluntary evacuees in order to offer rational and comprehensive support to radiation-affected persons.
9. Summary of the Proposing Organization
(1) Personnel:
(Explain staffing and functions in the regular activities of the proposing organization)
Office: Shalom Office located within Machinaka Yume Kōbō: Manager and Bookkeeper (staff of 2)
Machinaka Yume Kōbō: Staff of 19 (9 of these part-time; 6 are persons with disabilities)
Support Center: Staff of 2 (Will be responsible for this project)
(2) Organization Representative:
Representative: Shizuko ŌTAKE Cell phone: 090-2604-2802
Vice-Representative: Takashi ŌTAKE Cell phone: 090-2274-5553
e-mail: takashi.o@nposhalom.net
(3) Location:
Address: Aza-Higashihara 67-1, Matsukawa-cho, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima
Contact Information
Phone: 024-567-5322
Fax: 024-567-5322
e-mail: info@nposhalom.net
URL: http://www.nposhalom.net
(4) Project Manager/Chief Liaison:
Address: Aza-Toyashimocho, Watari, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima
Contact Information
Phone: 024-573-8425 Cell: 070-5018-0448 or 090-6553-1584
Fax: 024-573-8426
e-mail: yoshino@shalom@gmail.com
(5) Legal Status:
Date of Establishment: September 10, 2001 (gained status as Specified Non-Profit Organization)
Gross Spending in most recent fiscal year: JPY 56,256,722
Grant and Donation Income in most recent FY: JPY 1,384,474
(6) Purpose of foundation and nature of activities:
(Include any relevant past experience with disaster relief.)
With an aim to build a community in which people with disabilities and those without can live together, support persons with disabilities to register their abilities and participate in community life.
1. Display and sales support for products created with occupational assistance
2. Facilitation of interactions and friendship building between persons with disabilities and local citizens
3. Local community building activities
4. Received Fukushima City recognition as "Support Enterprise for Research and Development of Universal (i.e. barrier-free) Design Products," utilizing funds from the Fukushima Prefecture Furusato Employment Revitalization Fund.
Shalom's disaster response activities began voluntarily around March 20, 2011, when we started to distribute emergency goods, milk, medicine and other necessities to people in the hard-hit areas of Minamisoma city and Iidate village. Since then we have offered meal preparation and other support to people who were evacuated from their homes to the Fukushima city area. We also liaised with other local organizations to establish the "Fukushima NPO: Citizens Collaborative Revitalization Action Project," and have played a central role in its Revitalization sub-committee. We have also been operating the Prefectural North Sector Support Office, following initiation of Fukushima Prefecture's "Kizuna-zukuri Support Project." We have planned and implemented convalescent programs for temporary removal of Fukushima children to regions outside the fallout zone, facilitating exchanges with people in other regions.
(7) Organizations with which activities are coordinated, and nature of collaboration:
Shalom has already established collaborative links with other local groups providing disaster response in the North sector of Fukushima, and have been offering a variety of collaborative events. Through our role in the Prefectural North Sector Support Office we have also forged relations with local government authorities and resident associations of temporary housing complexes.
We continue to build collaborative links with many disaster response organizations, and participate in the ongoing activities emerging from the "Fukushima Conference,"* on whose Steering Committee Shalom representative Ōtake sits.
*Fukushima Conference was a conference, held at Fukushima University November 11, 2011, at which people who gathered from across Fukushima prefecture determined that they must project to the world, in their own voices, their experiences of the triple disaster and continuing plight. during which Shalom representative. Shalom representative Ōtake and Staff Yoshino made presentations at this Conference, on the subjects "A report from the perspective of citizens activities" and "The lives of children," respectively.
10. Project Budget Plan
Für Einzelheiten zum geplanten Budget mit 102.000 EURO siehe die pdf-Datei