Peace Train 2013 - Grußwort Theilemann

Peace Train 2013:  8.10.-29.10.2013 Berlin-Moskau-Irkutsk-Peking-Pyongyang-Pusan

Berlin-Madang am 7. Oktober 2013
Heilandskirche Berlin und Pariser Platz
vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Hier die Berliner Erklärung zum Frieden auf der koreanischen Halbinsel (Deutsch & English)



Dr. Christof Theilemann

Berliner Missionswerk (BMW)

Dear Mr General Secretary, dear sisters and brothers, ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Christof Theilemann. I am Deputy Director of Berlin Mission and the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia’s Chaplain for Ecumenical Relations and Worldwide Mission. I bring you the greetings of the Berlin Church’s Bishop Dr Markus Droege and Berlin Mission’s Director Roland Herpich who unfortunately can’t be here today due to a previously taken commitment to attend a conference on the Reformation at Zurich, Switzerland.

It is a great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of Berlin Mission and on behalf of the Berlin Prep Team to this Peace Madang in Germany’s capital city. Please allow me to thank NCCK, the EKD, Evangelical Mission in Solidarity, the Koreaverband, the Korean Han In Congregation and the local Heilandsgemeinde very much for their wonderful cooperation in bringing all of us together this morning and in organising this truly memorable event. This day means a lot to me personally, having lived two hundred yards away from the wall that once separated me from many of my family. I pray for all those separated Korean families to be reunited one day.

Please allow me to also express my deep gratitude to Professors Raiser, Lee and No for obliging us in speaking to us later on and to my colleague Lutz Drescher of EMS for moderating this morning’s session.

A special thanks goes to all those who will ensure translation today. Thank you very much in advance for your hard work.

Now it is my privilege to invite Revd Paul Oppenheim of the EKD, Mr General Secretary KIM Young-Ju, and His Excellency Michael Geier, former German Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and Chairman of the Deutsch-Koreanische Gesellschaft to Korea to address this distinguished audience.

May God bless you, this day and this event.





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nach Pusan: Auswertung, Powerpoint, Predigten

zum PeaceTrain / Madang 
in Berlin  und  Dankgottesdienst in Pusan und BLOG von R. Lamotte 

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Peace Constitution Japan
Pfrin S. Kluger berichtet
+ Dokumentation
Aktion "Gender"
Ecological Justice
Nuclear Phaseout
Free of Nuclear Power
Gangjeong auf Jeju-do 

Freedom to Just Peace

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WCC-Busan 2013

BLOGs aus dem Peace Train und aus Pusan

Online-Tagebuch der badischen Teilnehmenden 

vonRainer Lamotte (Pfalz, DOAM, EMS)

von Rebecca Froese (Mennonitin, Steward in Pusan)

von Reisegruppe EKHN (Hessen, Frankfurt a.M.)

von Kai Lüke (Pfalz, Berlin)

von Anne Heitmann (Baden)


der EKD-Delegation

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von Brot für die Welt

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