Freedom to Just Peace
10. Vollversammlung des Ökumensichesn Rates der Kirchen
Freedom to Just Peace
Auf diesen Seiten werden Vorträge usw. gesammelt, die im Umkreis der Vollversammlung gehalten/veröffentlicht worden sind.
Der Titel dieser Sammlung stammt vom Vortrag von Dr. Fernando Enns in Seoul, den er auf dem Symposium zur Minjung-Theologie am 25.10.2013 gehalten hat.
Hier der Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Fernando Enns
The Freedom to Just Peace
Revisiting Minjung Theology for a Current Ecumenical Discourse
"I am well-cooked Food"
The Survival Strategies of North Korean female Border-crossers and Possibilities for Empowerment
Sung Kyung Kim
More than the half the people who cross the North Korea-China border are women, with most leaving home to seek food, economic benefits and a more comfortable life. From the human rights perspective, it is clear that the dangerous nature of their journeys across the border and their illegal status in China place them in a very vulnerable position with regard to human trafficking and many types of sexual and physical violence. However, a few voluntarily and strategically use marriage and sexuality as an arena of agency through which to improve their lives and empower themselves. This paper aims to reveal the complexity of these experiences, which occur where gender, sexuality and mobility meet. In doing so, I hope to argue for the possibility of agency beyond an overly simplified victim discourse. I argue that some North Korean female border-crossers attempt to develop survival strategies, and their employment of gender and sexuality skillfully subverts the eXisting system of marriage, seemingly empowering them to settle or keep moving on to better places. Interestingly, however, this empowerment converges with helping families back in their homeland and/or allows them to bring along children from previous marriages. In other words, they are willing to adopt the role of 'wife' temporarily just so as to be good 'daughters', 'sisters' and/or 'mothers' later. In this sense, the North Korean women and their experiences imply an ambivalent approach to marriage, family and migration.
Hier zum Lesen des vollständigen Vortrags und zum Download als pdf
A Statement upon WCC 10th Assembly Issued by KAWT
“God of Life, help us stand against injustice and counterfeit peace!”
We, the members of Korean Association of Women Theologians (KAWT), are pleased with hosting WCC 10th Assembly held at Busan. At the present we remind all of a recent event that we once put aside the plan to participate in the Assembly raising concerns over the preparation process. It was because we took seriously some unfavorable troubles in forming ‘Korean Host Committee,’ the undesirable attitudes of ‘Korean Host Committee’ after 1•13 Joint-declaration, and the irresponsible actions of WCC officials. In all of these cases, we were concerned that it would undermine the ecumenical spirits of WCC in justice, peace, and life WCC has maintained throughout its history up until today. Nevertheless, KAWT members have made a decision once again to take part in the Assembly for the reason that we see it as the opportunities to stand against counterfeit justice and peace presented by the unjust world powers and to make a genuine solidarity with many fellow Christians. We declare here our wishes within four directions above all else in the hope bringing about a common commitment that the 10th Assembly makes to give hope and life to those dying by the insatiable exploitation of
the world powers.
1. We wish that the 10th Assembly put forward feasible ways toward justice throughout all the
activities in discussion and determination
2. The 10th Assembly must stand against counterfeit peace in order to carry out a true state of
3. The 10th Assembly should actively seek the way for Korea’s peaceful unification
4. We pray for the success of the 10th Assembly in creating the history of ‘diakonia’ and ‘life.’
These are the basic stances of KAWT on the directions of WCC 10th Assembly at Busan. We Korean feminist theologians will not tolerate acts of the unjust powers that look down God’s mandate to serve the creation in justice, peace, and life. On the other hand, our efforts do not intend to harm those unjust world powers but to have them reflect on the road toward living together and enjoying together the fruits of peace with justice. We pray that the 10th Assembly may overcome the destructive effects of injustice and counterfeit peace rooted in the systems of patriarchy and military culture, and ignite the true way of Christian life in serving nature, the weak, and the marginalized.
October 27, 2013
Members of Korean Association of Women Theologians
Hier zum Lesen des vollständigen Vortrags und zum Download als pdf
The Peace Community Movement Center
ist eine Einrichtung der Presbyterianischen Kirche in der Republik Korea (PROK).
Sie hat es u.a. mit dem Programm "Waffenstillstand auf der kor. Halbinsel in einen Friedensvertrag umwandeln" zu tun.
Mehr zu Auftrag, Aufgaben und Mission siehe hier auf dieser Homepage
Die Frauenkommission des NCCJ hat beider 10. Vollversammlung des ÖRK zwei Dokumente vorgelegt.
Die "Trostfrauen"/"Comfort Women" des Japanischen Militärs im 2. Welltkrieg sind bis heute nicht offiziell anerkannt noch haben sie eine offizielle Wiedergutmachung der Regierung erlangt. Sie sterben darüber, eine nach der andern.
1. Brief an die 10. Vollversammlung des ÖRK
2. Erklärung der Frauenkommission des NCCJ.
Statement from the men gathered for the WCC Women’s and Men’s Pre-assembly
A statement by the men of the first WCC Women’s and Men’s Pre-assembly to express their gratitude to women who enabled them to better understand the pain and injustice of patriarchy and gender inequality and commitment to stand in solidarity with movements for gender justice.
29 October 2013
Statement by the men...