2012: Kriegsdienstverweigerung

Kriegsdienstverweigerung in Ostasien: zumeist ein Fremdwort... 

in China - nicht vorgesehen
in Japan - keine Wehrpflicht
in Korea - Kriegsdienstverweigerung ist Landesverrat und wird mit Gefängnis bestraft
in Taiwan - soll vielleicht abgeschafft werden


Friedhelm Schneider

September 2012 im Vorwort zu 


Conscientious objection to military service in Europe 2011/12

"... In most of the European Union and candidate and potential candidate countries

the problematic and anachronistic practice of conscription into obligatory military

service is no longer taking place. In most cases, however, it has formally been
suspended rather than abolished. In some Member States registration for
military service continues. And there has been no progress on related issues of
grave concern to EBCO. Several Member States have not yet raised their
minimum recruitment age to 18, and continue to give the military privileged
access to schools for recruitment purposes; the end of conscription in Germany
has seen an increased level of military presence in schools. ...
And military expenditure continues to be largely shielded from the effects of the economic
crisis, which consequently fall even more heavily on social welfare programmes.
The right of conscientious objection to military service is explicitly mentioned in
Article 10.2 of the Fundamental Rights Charter of the EU (which came into force
with the adoption of the Lisbon treaty). It however receives surprisingly little
attention from the European Parliament. The issue is no longer mentioned
neither in the Parliament's annual report on human rights in the world. Nor does
it feature in the annual reports of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights.
It is high time that violations of the human right of conscientious objection to
military service were highlighted in the human rights framework of the European
In July this year, the Human Rights Council of the United Nations adopted the
first resolution on conscientious objection to military service since it replaced the
Commission on Human Rights in 2006. The resolution mandated a report on
recent developments, which should lead to a substantive resolution in 2013. The
new jurisprudence from the European Court of Human Rights, and other
normative developments at the international level covered in this report make it
more urgent than ever that the European Parliament too should turn its attention
to a new resolution embodying the advances in thinking since the Bandres Molet
and Bindi Resolution of 1994. ..." 


Ev. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden

      Internationale Arbeit für Kriegsdienstverweigerer und Deserteure

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Brüssels
worldwithoutwar 150


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