Institute of Sino-Christian Studies - new website
Aus der theologischen Arbeit in China
The New Website of ISCS was launched in April 2019
The new website of ISCS was officially launched on 1 April 2019. The project started in early 2017 and lasted for two years. The original website of ISCS contained all information of our academic programs, our academic network in China and overseas, and our publication works over the past two decades since our establishment in 1995. Owing to the huge size and complexity of the information, it was therefore necessary to reorganize and redesign the website structure so as to render our information more accessible to our visitors. The Director's Office would like to thank all our staff for their involvements and dedicated efforts for the project. Their contributions are deeply appreciated.
Logos & Pneuma Articles Are Now Digitally Available Online
All articles of Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology are now available in füll text online on the "Digital Collections: E-Journal Collection" of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library (https ://repository.lib
Logos & Pneuma Articles Are Now Digitally Available Online
All articles of Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology are now available in füll text online on the "Digital Collections: E-Journal Collection" of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library (https ://repository.lib