2011: Message of Peace – from Japan

7. August, 2011
by ISHIBASHI Hideo, Kyodan moderator and
CHOI Young Shin, Korean Christian Church in Japan moderator

The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, which resulted in the unprecedented number of nearly 20,000 dead and missing persons, has given those of us living in Japan great sorrow and pain. The tsunami that swallowed 500 kilometers (310 miles) of coastline stretching from the Tohoku region to the Kanto region has particularly shown us the fearful power of nature, which mercilessly destroyed people’s lives, and has revealed how weak we are in the midst of such tragedy. In this difficult time, we Christians in Japan who have been given an “incomprehensible hardship” search for meaning, while supporting together the many people who are suffering great pain, and try to understand and bring hope to start down the road to reconstruction. Why? Because we believe that the despairing event of “the death on the cross of God’s only Son,” made by God to be the vessel for saving all the people of the earth, was God’s plan for our incomprehensible conversion to become vessels to bring hope to the world.

We, the Kyodan and the Korean Church of Christ in Japan (KCCJ), through our respective reconstruction plans, have determined to be present with the people who are suffering, not only Christians but also all people affected by the disaster. For this reason, besides emergency support, which is already being provided, we work with people to help them return to a normal lifestyle and to give spiritual support. Along with support to help with the reconstruction of churches, we are creating mid- and long-term support plans. Jesus said: “As you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matt. 25:40) So we have a great interest in assisting those who are the most vulnerable in devastated areas, such as children, persons who have disabilities or are aging, and foreigners, to return to a normal life.

Weiterlesen: 2011: Message of Peace  –  from Japan

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"Kyodan" ist die Kurzfassung von "Nippon Kirisuto Kyodan" oder "Vereinigte Kirche Christi in Japan"

Gründung unter staatlichem Zwang


Glaubensbekenntnis - offizielle Übersetzung

26. März 1967
Bekenntnis bez. der Verantwortung für den Zweiten Weltkrieg

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1967 - 2007:  40 Jahre
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