Kyodan & Presb. Kirche in Taiwan
Quelle: Kyodan Newsletter 363, Juni 26, 2011
PCT General Assembly Thanked for Earthquake Relief Support
From April 26 to April 29, I attended the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. There was heated discussion at the assembly, but what surprised me most was seeing, for the first time, assembly members taking blood tests. With health notebooks in hand, they got their blood tests; and the following morning, based on the results, those assembly members who had a reading that was marked in red received advice about consulting a doctor. Those who were elected as assembly officers were given the privilege of getting a health check. Furthermore, between the most animated discussions, there was a lottery in which a digital camera and a bicycle were awarded. There were also times of great laughter.
The PCT General Assembly was held on the 9th floor of the Mackay Memorial Hospital. The meeting place was a theater-shaped chapel that will seat 500 persons. The Presbyterian Church of Taiwan operates three large hospitals, and because of this, local church apportionments represent only four percent of the total budget, which I frankly found quite enviable.
The PCT and the Kyodan have concluded a mission covenant, mutually sending out missionaries, and this interchange has a long history. Recently, PCT representatives visited the Kyodan in regard to the devastation caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The PCT has already contributed 35 million yen and has promised to contribute an additional 20 million yen.
Japan is facing its greatest crisis since World War II, and developing a strategy for dealing with this disaster has also become an issue of greatest importance for the Kyodan. An emergency response headquarters has been established, and a concrete emergency plan has been formulated to grapple with the issue of raising 2.2 billion yen from both within and outside Japan. I am deeply moved that in the midst of this crisis, the PCT has offered fervent prayers and aid, and furthermore, that earnest prayers were offered up at the assembly.
On behalf of the Kyodan, I expressed to the assembly that in addition to being thankful for the PCT’s support, we hope from here on also to deepen the relationship of both of our churches. (Tr. RT)
Ishibashi Hideo, Kyodan Moderator
4月26日~29日まで台湾基督教長老 教会(Presbyterian Church of Taiwan)の総 会に出席した。
熱い議論がなされる総会であったが、第一 に驚いたことは議員達が血液検査を受けている 姿を最初に見たことだ。健康手帳を持ち、血液検査を受け、翌日にはその検査を元に、数値が赤でしるされている議員は医師と面談をするよう にとのアナウンスがあった。総会議員に選ばれると健康チェックの特典が付く。さらに、白熱の議論の間にお楽しみの時間もあり、抽選でデジ カメや自転車が当たる。大笑いする時間もあった。
台湾基督長老教会の総会は、馬偕病院の9 階の礼拝堂で開催された。この会場は500名 くらい入る劇場形式の礼拝堂であった。
台湾基督教長老教会は病院を経営してい る。三つの大きな病院を経営し、その為に各教会 の負担金は全体の予算の4パーセントで良いとのこと、素直に羨ましいと思った。
同教会と日本基督教団とは宣教協約を結 び、お互いに宣教師を派遣し合い、その交流の歴 史は長い。今回の東日本大震災においても真っ先に日本基督教団にお見舞いに来て下さった。すでに3500万円の献金をして下さり、さらに 2000万円の献金をしてくださるという約束をして下さった。
日本は戦後最大の危機の中にあり、日本基 督教団もこの災害の対策が最重要な課題となっ ている。救援対策本部が設置され、国内、国外合わせて22億円の救援対策を具体的に取り組む計画を立てた。この危機の中にあって、日本基 督教団への熱い祈りと支援が、台湾基督教長老教会からいただき、さらに総会においても熱い祈りを捧げてくださり、感動した。
日本基督教団として、台湾基督教長老教会 からの支援を感謝すると共に、今後とも、両教 会の関係を深めて行くことを総会で表明した。