KAN Naoto: Nuke Crisis Caused by Japan, not Quake

The Japan Times,19.02.2012, AP

Nuke crisis caused by Japan, not quake: Kan

Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan has admitted that Japan was woefully unprepared for last year's nuclear disaster and suggested that the crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant should not have been built so close to a tsunami-prone coastline.

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Straight shooter: Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan
is interviewed at his office in Tokyo on Friday.

In an exclusive interview, Kan acknowledged flaws in the authorities' handling of the crisis, including poor communication and coordination among nuclear regulators, Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s management and the government Kan was heading at the time.
But he said the disaster — the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl in 1986 — laid bare a host of even bigger vulnerabilities in the nuclear power industry and its regulations, ranging from inadequate safety guidelines to crisis management, all of which he said need to be overhauled.

Weiterlesen: KAN Naoto: Nuke Crisis Caused by Japan, not Quake


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