Okinawa zwischen Krieg und Frieden

Ein Besucher aus Vietnam:
"Okinawa bedeutet in Vietnam die Furcht selbst."

2010: No Longer "Relocation"

An Idea of a Massive Artificial Island with Three Runways Over 3.000 Metres

Ryukyu Shimpo, 16. März 2010

Ryukyu Shimpo , on March 16, reported some details of the plan to build a massive artificial island off Katsuren Peninsula.

Unbelievable. As Miyagi Yasuhiro said, how can we call this "Futenma relocation site" any more?

The area to be reclaimed East of Hikashima Island is said to be 1,021 hectares. It is going to accommodate not only USMC (as "relocation" of Futenma Air Station) but also Air Self Defense Force (as relocation of ASDF Naha Base) and the US military port facilities (also relocation of Naha military port).

In the plan, there will be three runways to be built - one 3,000 meter, and two 3,600 meter ones. Bridges will be built from that artificial island to Hamahika Island and Miyagi Island. Medoruma Shun sharply criticizes this "outrageous" plan makes no military sense. Osprey(V-22) and helicopters (the kind of aircrafts that were planned to be based in the V-shape Henoko runway plan) do not need such long runways. He wonders if there is a plan to base B52.

The plan was suggested by Ota Norio, Chair of Okinawa Chamber of Commerce to Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirano and Defense Minister Kitazawa. The same concept was embraced in 2005 by Robert Eldridge, who taught at Osaka University back then. Now Eldridge is Deputy G-5, U.S. Marine Corps Bases of Okinawa. Eldridge has also been meeting with Hirano to explain this possibility.

According to Medoruma, Ota has been endorsing the plan to build a base off Katsuren Peninsula. Medoruma suspects that Ota wants to expand the reclamation area to increase the construction costs for the benefit of related businesses. He also points out that in the March 13 edition of Rykyu Shimpo, Kokuba Koichiro, Supreme Advisor of the Terrace Hotel contributed an article promoting the reclamation project. He has previously assumed positions like President of Kokuba Construction and President of the association of Okinawa's construction companies. He is also known to be endorsing a plan to introduce a casino to Okinawa. "Those industries are becoming active around this plan," Medoruma warns.


琉球新報 3月16日







(Posted by Peace Philosopher)


U. S. Marine relocation plan from Okinawa to Guam still vague
(From The Japan Times May 16 issue)

The Diet on May 13 endorsed a Japan-U.S. accord on the planned transfer of U.S. Marines from Okinawa to Guam by 2014. The opposition-controlled Upper House voted it down, but under a constitutional provision, the Lower House's earlier approval of it prevailed.

The total relocation cost is set at $10.27 billion. Under the accord, Japan will shoulder $6.09 billion â up to $2.8 billion directly from the Japanese government and the remaining $3.29 billion in loan provisions. The Japanese money will be used for constructing the headquarters buildings, residences, schools and infrastructure, including water supply and sewerage. The government has not provided a clear cost breakdown â the main reason for the opposition parties' opposition to the accord. The accord is unusual in that Japan will be paying for the construction of U.S. military facilities overseas.

The relocation of Marines is contin gent on the moving of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station in Ginowan â in the central part of Okinawa Island â to Camp Schwab in Nago in the northern part of the island. The U.S. and Japanese governments have agreed on the detailed location of the new airfield. But the Okinawa Prefectural Government is against the location. Thus the move has been stalled.

Although the relocation of Marines is supposed to end by 2014, Adm. Timothy Keating, the commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, has said the transfer of Marines from Okinawa to Guam will take longer than planned. The U.S. Government Accountability Office also said in its September 2008 report that the cost could top $15 billion. If the cost increases, the United States may call on Japan to shoulder a bigger burden.

Although it has been publicized that some 8,000 Marines and some 9,000 dependents will move from Okinawa to Guam, this is inexact. The government now says the intention is to reduce the complement of Marines in Okinawa from 18,000 to 10,000. Since there are about 12,500 Marines in Okinawa, the plan suggests that fewer than 8,000 Marines will move to Guam. Many important things have yet to be explained about the relocation plan.

The Japan Times Weekly: May 23, 2009 (C) All rights reserved


Nuke relocation plan found
The Ryukyu Shimpo News, 1999-05-24

Details of agreed plans relating to the removal of nuclear warheads  prior to the reversion of Okinawa have been released to the public. Documentation carrying an order to remove nuclear air defense  missiles held on US bases in Okinawa by four wheel transport and  CH-53 helicopters has been discovered by Dr Masaaki Gabe of the  University of the Ryukyus.

While he was undertaking research, the information emerged in a  telegram exchanged among US forces in Okinawa, the US military  authorities of the Pacific Region, and the US embassy in Japan. The wording indicates the extreme caution of a government under  intense pressure and fearful of disclosure of the presence and  transportation of nuclear weapons. This was all the more sensitive  an issue after Okinawan reactions to the removal by road of toxic  gases.

The telegram also stated that the US military authorities were  bearing in mind an "exceptional case" scenario when advance notice  of 24 hours might have to be given for a visit by a nuclear-armed  warship to a mainland port. A non-urgent visit to White Beach could  then be cited as a precedent.

Between 1971-72, 73 telegrams were exchanged among the commanding  unit of the Pacific Region in Hawaii, the US commanders on Okinawa,  the Tokyo embassy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington.  Professor Gabe had already shown through his research that about 600  air defense warheads were kept in silos at Henoko. It is not clear  whether their removal was carried out as planned.

Removal was due to take place between January and March 1972 by  helicopter because of the furore that had occurred over the  transportation of gas by road.

In a telegram of February 26, 1971, the Pacific Command strives to  make a case for special permission to bring nuclear weapons to  Okinawa in emergencies.

(May 15 am ed)

(Caption)Washington's secret US military telegrams.

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Präfektur Okinawa

2.273 km2 Fläche
98 Inseln
1,36 Mill. Einwohner
41 Gemeinden

Hauptstadt Naha
3 Universitäten
Große Militärbasis der USA

Polizei und Demonstrantin

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