Okinawa zwischen Krieg und Frieden
Ein Besucher aus Vietnam:
"Okinawa bedeutet in Vietnam die Furcht selbst."
2018: The Abe State and Okinawan Protest
The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 16 | Issue 16 | Number 1 | Aug 07, 2018
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The Abe State and Okinawan Protest – High Noon 2018¹
Gavan McCormack
Base Islands
For more than two decades, the Asia-Pacific Journal has paid close attention to the “Okinawa problem.” However, today that “problem” becomes increasingly complex and difficult to grasp, even as it enters a major, possibly decisive, moment. The more the crisis deepens, the less it is covered by mainstream national and global media. This essay resumes the situation as of August 2018, and reflects on the significance of the 27 July move by Okinawa prefecture towards halting base construction works at Henoko-Oura Bay.Okinawan Governor Onaga
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