"Trostfrauen", Wiedergutmachung und Menschenrechte
2018: UN declares Japan’s compensation as inadequate
Source: http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/PRINT/871186.html
Nov. 21, 2018, The Hankyoreh
UN declares Japan’s compensation to comfort women as inadequate
Committee on Enforced Disappearances says issue is not revolved
"The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) said that the Japanese government’s view that the comfort women issue has been resolved denies the rights of the victims and contended that Japan’s compensation has been inadequate. The comments represent the committee’s final opinion on this issue.
In a post on its website on Nov. 19, the UN committee expressed its regrets about the Japanese government’s opinion that the comfort women issue has been finally and irreversibly resolved. The committee also voiced its concerns about the fact that Japan has not provided adequate compensation to the victims as required by the international convention on enforced disappearances. ...
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Nov. 21, 2018, The Hankyoreh
UN declares Japan’s compensation to comfort women as inadequate
Committee on Enforced Disappearances says issue is not revolved
"The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) said that the Japanese government’s view that the comfort women issue has been resolved denies the rights of the victims and contended that Japan’s compensation has been inadequate. The comments represent the committee’s final opinion on this issue.
In a post on its website on Nov. 19, the UN committee expressed its regrets about the Japanese government’s opinion that the comfort women issue has been finally and irreversibly resolved. The committee also voiced its concerns about the fact that Japan has not provided adequate compensation to the victims as required by the international convention on enforced disappearances. ...
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